Have you experienced religious trauma so great that you‘ve left Jesus?  Then Pure Heart Ministry is the place for you.  Pure Heart Ministry seeks truth and deconstructs religious indoctrination.  PHM uses exegesis and hermeneutical study of scriptural interpretation for life application.

While scripture is foundational PHM realizes the impact of culture and perspective when interpreting scripture. PHM uses hermeneutics and exegesis while examining scriptural interpretation through a scientific and historical lens.  The Pure Heart Ministry theme is purification through fire. 

Pure Heart Ministry is a ministry designed to demonstrate the Lord’s love for humanity.  It is a ministry of servant-hood and healing. It is a teaching ministry with a variety of resources.

The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts.

Proverbs 17:3

Pure Heart Ministry Hearts on fire for Jesus


We believe in the sacrifice and resurrected power of Christ.

We have the ability to overcome our life experiences and help others through our victories.

We believe in living by  the 10 commandments.

We are not fundamentalist.  however we view the Bible through a literal lens with the understanding  we cannot possibly understand infinite thought with finite minds.

We believe science is man’s finite mind trying to understand an infinite God.

We believe God is much bigger than any ONE way.

We are not rooted in pride or superiority.  We believe everybody does not need Jesus to be a good person or experience Joy.

We believe there is and was only ONE perfect person and that is Jesus, so perfection is not a human requirement.

We believe sin is missing the mark.

 We believe making Jesus our behavior modifier leads us to be God motivated not consequence motivated.

We take salvation literally.

We believe there are too many theological debates and ideologies on what happens when we die. The concern at PHM is how we live.

PHM will never say Jesus is the ONLY way for anything, EXCEPT going to New Covenant biblical heaven because the New Testament makes that plain.

We believe, while you can be a good person without knowingly following the ways of Christ, there is no love like the love you experience with Jesus.  It is overwhelming and like no other.

Hi, my name is Lleslie.  I’m the founder of Pure Heart Ministry. My professional background is in education and behavioral health. 

I began ministry in 1993.  Graduated from Beulah Heights Bible College (Now Beulah Heights University) in 2000 with a BA in Biblical Education. with an emphasis in counseling. 

Returned to school in 2016 and graduated in 2019  with a Masters in Theology and Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary.  Fuller is an international, ethnic, denominational  and theological melting pot.  

My most valuable lesson was the more you learn, the more you should realize you don’t know.  I believe debating theology or personal beliefs  is rooted in pride. God is much bigger than one way; and we are not qualified to debate infinite thought.

Pure Heart Ministry is a teaching and healing ministry dedicated to sharing the Word of God while promoting love and care for humanity.  We are one world, one people made in the image of God.  We are all Imago Dei.

John answered and said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us.”  But Jesus said to him, “Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you.”  John 9:49-50

Diversity is Welcome

PHM appreciates diversity. We respect the cultural differences and spiritual perspective of others. Listening to what someone is saying with an open mind halts the division caused by language. PHM warns against the crippling pride of ‘My way is the only way. If you think differently, you’re going to hell.” This type of conviction limits God and eliminates the possibility of growth for all involved.

When we confine God to our limited denominational understanding and perspective it limits our ability to spread the Good News to others who frequently think the same but speak differently. Too often denominational conviction results in arguing against the beliefs of others. Professing superiority, we not only condemn others for thinking differently, but we also condemn them for their choice of words. Too often I have intervened when “nonbelievers” are accused of false doctrines including witchcraft, simply because the “nonbeliever” said the same thing using different words.

The following example demonstrates how language barriers can promote disunity and halt sharing the Good News. The following conversation demonstrates denominational convictional thought.

While speaking with a pastor I said “I am a spiritual being having a human experience. “The pastor quickly rejected this saying “That sounds like Buddhism or New Age thought.” When in actuality, it is Christology. A spiritual being, having a human experience describes the incarnation of Christ. The Bible tells us that the Christ was a spiritual being that came and shared in the human experience.  Language is no barrier in Pure Heart Ministry.