Introduction to Spiritual Warfare

The Light of Truth  and Darknes of Deception 

We experience seasons of  momentum individually and collectively.  Recognizing the enemy is key in any battle.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.   Jn 10:10

We can choose to choose life abundantly.  Everything we need is all ready provided.


 Things We Battle Collectively

The Media Serpent




Social Injustice



Spiritual Mapping

 Things We Battle Individually

Generational Bondage

The Media Serpent

Religious Trauma

Our Desires


Mental Illness




Pride Judgment Rejection


Being Humble is Crucial in Spiritual Warfar

Humility omits the crippling effects of conviction. Pride Judgment and Rejection (PJR) is a dark trinity that has impacted relationships throughout the Bible and in our daily existence. It is a force that keeps us from achieving our utmost abilities as children of God. The Persecution of Stronghold Believer examines various interpretations of scripture regarding healing and suffering as viewed by cleric leadership. The inability to see beyond our personal convictions often results in impotency or minimized power and authority.

The following examples of prayers for healing demonstrate empowering perspectives shunned and deactivated because of conviction.   

Every cell in my body permeates with creative healing power. I possess divine healing energy throughout my body.

These words would quickly be shunned in my denomination, identified as false doctrine. While an experienced intercessor might pray

“The Holy Spirit lives in me. I am not subject to infirmity. Omnipresent, Omnipotent God is within me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. We are redeemed from the curse through the victory on Calvary. We are the head and not the tail. Through Christ we walk in victorious authority. We bind infirmity and loose wellness throughout every area of our body….and the prayer would continue.


One prayer uses lips instead of simply recognizing the infinite power God says we have within. Acknowledging that we are Imago Dei. My denominational prayer is reminiscent of the long prayers of the Pharisees. We are so double minded in the same prayer we tell God he is omnipresent then ask him to “touch our bodies” or “hear our prayers”. If God is omnipresent, then in fact every cell in our body permeates with creative healing power. That would mean we do possess divine healing throughout our bodies. 


Which belief empowers the intercessor with the love of God and Christ given authority? A long-drawn-out speech, which is amazingly effective when actually believed, or releasing God from the confinement of a humanoid body bound by skin. If God is omnipresent there is no place God is not. Our conviction can be crippling to our ability to share the gospel with others and limit our own ability to walk in the full victory of Christ.

Being humble is important in spiritual warfare.  Pride is an “original sin”.  Pride Judgment and Rejection have been a catalyst in man’s relationship with God since Eden.  Pride is at the head of an unGodly trinity composed of Pride, Judgment and Rejection. The original rise of this deadly trio with Lucifer in heaven.  His pride caused him to make a false judgment that resulted in the rejection of truth.

Most will trace the original sin to the fall of man.  The deadly trinity Pride, Judgment and Rejection is seen in Genesis.  The Jewish site Shalom from G-d, gives an account of the Serpent, Eve and Adam.  It speaks of missing our target.  An excellent analogy, variations of the New Testament word for sin “hamartanō”, translates as missing the mark. Attempting to Google the “Original Sin” I found numerous sin list.   

                         Click on the image below to enlarge

Exposure brings closure.  If we acknowledge the sinful components of pride we can begin to eliminate them. I have seen numerous Pastors and Christian leaders interpret scripture in ways convenient to their lifestyle and cultural beliefs.  During seminary I witnessed scripture dissected and reduced to man’s finite understanding.  It is not uncommon for knowledge to replace wisdom.  Eve was tempted with the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Reading Genesis 11 the story of Babel, reminds me of the many denominations and theologies within the Body of Christ. 

Verse 6 says And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they have started to do, and now nothing which they plan to do will be impossible for them. NASB

Looking at the behaviors and division within the church, I can’t help but wonder, what did Omnipresent God want to prevent or delay?  Because we have free will it seems delay is more fitting than prevent.

Word of God International Ministries  “Sin List”.  It is an excellent representation of a religious view sin.  There are 667 sins listed, the 667th aligns with the commandment to honor parents.

The Persecution of Stronghold Believer

True prosperity teaching is not about money. It is the God given ability to meet every situation with faith in the Word believing the promises of God. The Persecutions of Stronghold Believer is a fictional short story based on my faith, conviction and conversations held with other Christian leaders as they courageously face life threatening doctors’ reports. For years I viewed negative doctors’ reports as an opportunity to give God glory. I didn’t hear cancer, I heard testimony. On more than one occasion doctors have responded to my unusual reaction by cautioning I did not understand the severity of a condition. A few personal challenges include amputation, lumps, fractures and a car accident that should have been fatal. Through it all, the promises of God were imprinted on my heart.

I do not believe watching a child of God courageously deteriorate gives our Lord glory. Suffering through infirmities is not necessarily the will of our loving Father for his children. God’s glory is not in what we do, it is in what He has done. John3:16 and John10:10 provide clear explanations of God’s plan. Miracles do happen, especially when you have the Holy Spirit living within you. I am forever praying for God’s perfect will in our lives, especially among the Body of Christ. Jesus says if we have the ‘faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains Why go up the rough side of the mountain when we can tell the mountain to move? Trust, faith and relationship are the foundation for testimony after testimony. Praising while in the midst of a challenge is never premature. We have been given the victory through Jesus Christ. When I think about His goodness I want to shout. Stronghold Believer is shouting the promises of God to all who will listen.

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God Heal America

Taking America Spiritually to Make America Greater

2024 Election

July 13, 2024, I came across one page of the repentance prayer I found 3 days before the 2016 election. For those that don’t know the story; Three days before the 2016 election I called my daughter and told her Trump will win the election. 

Minutes prior I was sitting on my bed in seminary. In front of me there was an excerpt from “America on the Rock” Prayer of Repentance.   I picked up the laminated pages and began to pray. While praying, I saw an ass with Trump’s eyes bucking. It dropped in my spirit Donald Trump will win the election.  He is God’s appointed instrument to reveal our hearts. As a result, I’ve looked at a lot of “political” things as mere smokescreens for serious warfare. I watched Deception and Fear become national principalities. I watched a rise in racial hatred.  

Yesterday my prayer challenge from 8 years ago popped up on Facebook. When sharing the post, I noticed the wording was slightly different and the number eight stood out. This morning, I looked up the biblical Meaning of Numbers: The Number 8
The number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man’s true “born again” event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.

A little later the first page of the Prayer of Repentance was in front of me; interesting, because I keep both laminated pages together. Only having the first page of the prayer was confusing. I didn’t know what to think. As usual when I don’t understand, I asked God for clarity.

Then, I noticed “President Evil” kept popping up on my TV. I don’t do horror, this said comedy and I understand Darkness must reveal itself in some way. I put on the movie while doing chores. I left the room. When I walked back in the room the President elect was taking a blood oath with Satan. Those of us interceding for the nation are in agreement something is unnatural about Trump’s relationship with America. It’s as though he has “caged” the entire nation. In 2016, Donald Trump confidently made the statement ‘If he shot someone, he would not lose votes.’ Eight years later he is a convicted 34-count felon front runner in the 2024 Presidential Election. He is becoming a martyr for being arrested and found guilty. Christian leaders have closed their eyes to his actions and will quickly lie for him. Some even compare Donald Trump to Jesus.

On the same day, July 13,2024 a shot is fired during a Trump rally that leaves two people dead. It is identified as an assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life. Following the attempt, Donald Trump recognizes divine intervention.

“It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. “We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”

Watching the video of the shooting we see Trump grab his ear. Look carefully at the video, there is no blood on the hand he removes from his ear. A deadly bullet missed his head by millimeters. If Donald Trump not moved his head at that exact second, he would have been struck. Looks like God is trying to get Trump’s attention.

Following the Presidential debate people began to call for Biden to step down. Biden interviews with George Stephanopoulos. During the interview he states only the “Lord Almighty” could convince him to end his bid for re-election.

Our nation becomes caught in a battle of egos. Biden and Trump’s egos become a threat to American democracy

Two days later, July 15,2024 we are still learning about the shooter. Fingers are pointing. The 2024 Republican National Convention kicked off.  Trump a 34-count convicted felon, announced his candidacy and JD Vance is formally nominated for Vice President.

On Sunday, July 21st, President Joe Biden announced that he would no longer seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for president in the election against Donald Trump this November. He then endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the nomination.

Biden put America first. Biden demonstrated what a true patriot does. Biden demonstrated what a true Christian does. I’m sure Almighty God did tell him to step down. His actions show he’s listening.

Joe showed signs of cognitive impairment. Personal experience with people experiencing the same symptoms Biden displayed are usually in denial. Getting them to make lifestyle changes is a sensitive and difficult task. Getting them to stop driving is a major accomplishment. Biden gave up a nation.

In 2016 I became aware Trump is appointed by God as an instrument to reveal hearts. It was not until I heard House Speaker Mike Johnson demanding Biden resign as that I realized how strategically placed everyone is. Johnson said nothing positive about the courageous, unselfish patriotic act the world witnessed. Instead, his words were cruel and inaccurate. When I looked at Johnson speaking, I saw pure evil.

I did not realize until that moment, Biden is also appointed by God to reveal hearts. He is as much a heart revealing instrument as Trump. Listening to his speech, I became pro Biden. His actions and words demonstrate living scripture. Whoever he endorsed I will support because he is obedient. He has proved he puts the nation first above his own desires.

The other candidate continues to act the opposite. Exposure has brought closure. Motives and purpose have been revealed. It is truly a heart issue.

This post is under consruction

Momentum is always prevalent in cultural formation.  We did not enter this political climate overnight. Over the past 8 years we have watched principalities grow and gain control over our national consciousness.

Major principalities over our nation

 Deception overpowered Truth Truth love and justice joined are not victorious over fear and deception

 Fear or Faith 

For some wisdom is getting vaccinated.  Getting the vaccine is a choice.  Those not vaccinated have a social responsibility to take safety pecautions for the sake of others.

Whose report shall you believe?

The fear response and lack of personal research regarding the pandemic is very concerning.  Like sheeple so many simply believed what they were told and panicked.  Churches were one of the first businesses to close and the last to open. 

We saw shortages created by panic and fear.  The same people who stood in line for hours to get in a store complained and faulted the churches that tried to remain open.  I watched Christians turn against other Christians calling those who stood by their faith irresponsible.  Some Christians became verbally abusive to Christians attempting to worship together. 

Deception had already divided the church during the election with actions and remarks coming from the candidates.   Within three years the Christians trying to bring balance with truth became  divided by fear. 

Spiritual warfare requires identifying the predominant/ controlling spirits.  Ask “What spirit is this? when praying for wisdom, discernment and direction.  

Deception overpowered Truth 

For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

 Ephesians 6:12 MEV

We put a person in the highest American office because they profess to be pro life and anti the LGBT community despite all of the following:

The supporting Evangelical leaders compared their candidate to Nehemiah, many believing he is the savior who will Make America Great Again. Christians in third world countries declared this candiate was a man of God.   Many declaried anyone Christian knew this was the only person to vote for. 

 When inappropriate behaviors are mentioned his supporters are unable to separate the action from the man.  They defend the person and point fingers to the inappropriate actions of others.  The division is strong. Spiritual blindness results in a lack of concern for accountability or collective judgment.

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?  Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. 

                                                                                                                                                  Matthew 7:15-20 NIV

Christian leaders supporting the winning candidate said he is a Christian man because of his is pro-life and anti-gay views.  There seems to be a blanket blindness to the majority of his words and actions.  Try the spirit by the spirit, what fruits were demonstrated by this leader? 

When discussing these actions and behaviors those supporting a potential POTUS as the Christian candidate, relieve him of  all accountability by pointing fingers at past administrations and his opponents.  The hypocrisy is so great, the same people who complained about the previous administration’s First Lady’s bare arms have no problem with nude pictures of a potential FLOTUS in numerous nude sexual poses.  Those supporting the anti LGBT lifestyles are oblivious to her sexual poses with other women. 

This is beyond hypocritical.  It is beyond political.  There is no logical explanation for this blatant blindness and denial. This type of natural denial and blindness is spiritual.  Politics is simply a powerful smokescreen.  It’s time to look at the action committed, not who is committing it. 

Read 2 chronicles 7.  Pay attention to the timeline.

See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” Jeremiah 1:10

Let’s uproot and tear down some strongholds.  Let’s make America Greater

The Gallery provides a visual pictorial of the colonization of America.  This map shows the original tribal lands prior to colonization and list the commandments that were broken. 

2 Chronicles 7:14

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land

Native Children

African and Hispanic Children

Japanese Children

Hispanic Children

“Canadian Indigenous group finds 751 unmarked graves” video examines cultural legacy and the effects of boarding schools that remain with us today.     

Critical Race Theory is history and our cultural development as a nation.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Since you have rejected knowledge, I also will eject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I also will forget your children.      Hosea 4:6

Apologetics and Critical Race Theory


According to Webster the “first Known use of apologetics is circa 1733, in the meaning defined at sense 1

The apologist link below is the Principles and Purposes of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan document

Who were the apologist and what did they believe?

There has always been two strands of Christian thought in America.  This picture was taken 101 years before I was born.  Those my age and older grew up with the influence of this generation. My beloved grandfather was born in 1896.  This is the generation that raised him.  The MAGA movement has shined a light on the sons and daughters of the apologist and the abolitionist.  The debate over Critical Race Theory demonstrates the two strands of Christian thought still exist in America today. 

What is Critical Race Theory

Arguments against Critical Race Theory

“Critical race theory says every white person is a racist,” Cruz stated. “Critical race theory says America is fundamentally racist and irredeemably racist. Critical race theory seeks to turn us against each other.”   Senator Ted Cruz

The words of Senator Cruz are lies rooted in the apologist spirit that is prevalent in the 21st Century.  If history is taught with accuracy we see two opposing ideas.  Teaching with accuracy eliminates condemnation of white people.  The Caucasian race has been vital in the social justice movements throughout  our history.

Exposure brings closure.   Critical Race Theory (CRT) can only promote racism if American history is taught inaccurately. We learn about Black abolitionist during Black History Month.  We are not taught the stories of many White abolitionists.  Their stories are suppressed or completely ignored. 

The Indoctrination of Our Youth

The Lord is my Banner

not allowed to be taught or hung in government funded schools

Harry Potter’s Hogwart Banners

allowed in school

We have become complacent and therefore we have become ineffective and impotent. We are told to be ever vigilant. Instead, we choose to close out eyes to things obviously not of God. The removal of prayer from schools was an act against God. However, the removal of free will and demanding people follow any particular doctrine is also against the free will of God. It is the pressure to follow Jesus that has resulted in removal of the Bible from schools. The Bible is undeniably foundational in American History. Yet we are forbidden to learn the pivotal role the Bible played in America.

The following images demonstrate how the bible was used to uphold and abolish slavery. Scripture tells us to study and humble ourselves, that is the will of God. Instead, we ignore the abolitionist who dedicated their lives to ending slavery and make slavery a racial issue instead of a heart and moral issue. Erasing and altering history is not of God. It is rooted in depcetion.

Deception has become such a major principality over our educational system, we have transitioned from no prayer in schools to allowing the indoctrination of witchcraft in the classroom. 

Calling what is taught in the classroom “indoctrination” requires examination. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary the definitions of indoctrination and doctrine are: Indoctrinate is a verb, it means :to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle, 2:to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments: TEACH indoctrination

Doctrine as in philosophy, the basic beliefs or guiding principles of a person or group.

I also looked up guiding principles.  According to Quaglia Institute Engagement is listed as the second of three principles.

ENGAGEMENT: Engagement takes root when schools ensure that students and staff are deeply involved in the learning process, showing enthusiasm and a desire to learn new things, as well as a willingness to take positive, healthy steps toward the future.  Children are excited about Harry Potter. Harry Potter is accepted curriculum under the guise of fantasy because he is a fictional character.  Many insist witchcraft is fantasy.  It is no different than atheist claiming Jesus to be a fictitious character.  Despite historical proof the existence of Christ is denied by many.  Witchcraft is a religion older than Christianity. We should not sit idly while losing our right not have our children exposed to beliefs contrary to our personal religious belief system.  Just like Christianity should not be forced on anyone, neither should witchcraft.

Where children groups have been conventionally been identified by color, number, animal or food, in this class they are Raven Claw, Slither and Dumbledore.

I looked up Raven’s Claw , this is one of the articles I found.

The free will of our children has been compromised in both the natural and spiritual realm. In the physical realm their human identity is compromised. Gender is being erased. Instead of the acceptance of intersexed people we force a gender on them. Gender roles have played such a strong role in culture and society throughout the world that gender is now being erased.  As gender oppression decreases there is a spirit of rebellion and defiance that has risen. 

Perverted Relationships

I always want to represent the Word of God correctly. 2Timothy 2:15 tells us to study.  Study for yourself the history and culture a the time ths word was written. Study how the Bible was translated and the perspective of those translating.  I write in a spirit of love and what I believe to be truth.  

In Honor of Pride Month

It is my current understanding homosexuality as we know it is not in the bible. It is fornication, male prostitution, the castration and rape of men the word preaches against. In translation “homosexuality” has opened an avenue for another form of judgment, control, hatred and forced assimilation. As a Buddhist with Baptist roots I had all types of friends and fought for the rights of all others. I was for Gay rights before the LBGT Movement.

In 1993 I became serious about my relationship with Christ. I learned a new level of hate in the church. Gay bashing while adding the words ‘we hate the sin not the sinner’ was common. The silent message of distain remains loud. In my attempt to follow Christ I was distracted by the religious spirit within the church. I became bound by assimilation and denominational perspective.  

I have always had gay best friends. That rational entitles us to force our choices on others? How is it we feel it is anyone’s business what consenting adults do in  private? My God has given humanity free will and freedom of choice. We are experiencing a season of social justice momentum. The Pure Heart Ministry goal is for God to be glorified. I have prayed for the spirit of God to be revealed. Today is June 30, 2021.  It is the last day of Pride month. Many churches are talking about the sodomites quoting Leviticus. Many of these churches are also against Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory. The adversary is a subtle and crafty counterfeiter. His lies are perverted truths. Trying the Spirit by the Spirit this is what I see.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

These two visuals look noting alike. Spiritual discernment says they are two very different spirits. There is a difference in pride and rebellion. Like with Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory, a straight road has become crooked.

Perverted Relationships is Under Construction

Elders and Parental Figures

The roles have changed. I could not find anything on listening to your parents. The articles in Google were all directed at parents listening to their children.  As an educator, I see the effects of rebellion manifest as liberty daily. 

There is a lot more to come regarding this battle. This topic is under construction.

Beginning in Genesis

Writing the commandment to honor parental figures  I began to see a trend of relationship perversion.  The first recorded perverted relationship takes place in Genesis.  There are different doctrines The Serpent’s Seed, Lilith as Adam’s first wife and the most commonly known story of Adam and Eve as The Fall of Man.

Our battle is restoration of right relationship with God.  Starting with the 21st Century Church we’ll work out way to Genesis culminating with the root of perverted relationships.

The Church Today

The story of Adam and Eve is used many ways in scripture analysis. One point all agree on is there was a change in the relationship between man and God the Creator. I see the fall as continuous. During the nineties, I taught the differences in Praise and Worship. Simply put worship was talking to God, Praise was talking about God. In my lessons I broke down yada, shabach, barak, hilluwl, doxa, cegid, shacah, sher, towda and tehillah. I noticed a change in worship several years ago. It became an obvious concern during a meeting at seminary conducted by young people primarily ranging in age from mid 20s to late 40s. They began with “worship.” After the third song telling God how good He is because He cares for them and thanking God for what He has done for them, I mentioned we had not sung anything giving Glory for being God. They listened and I suggested a song purely worshiping the King. They enjoyed the song but immediately returned to the songs of how good God is because of what he did for them. There is more concern about what God can do for us, than what we can do for God.
During this season I noticed a thirst for knowledge, not a thirst for God. Those thirsty for knowledge placed their faith in Google and whatever the instructor said. Scripture was dissected and reduced to metaphorical literature. I heard sex positivity validated, LBGTQ validation, miracles reduced to metaphors and the acceptance of God as a woman. Considering God is spirit “Mother God” resonated as simply rebellion.

                                         Freedom appeared to be the new pied piper leading the children of God away. 

Advanced Spiritual Warfare

The Church is Under Attack

12And what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. 13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.           2Corinthians 11:12-15

As a teacher I am strategically placed in a position to see what our children are exposed to on a daily basis. Harry Potter has become an accepted curriculum source masquerading as fantasy.  Churches are infiltrated by angels of light masquerading as prophets, intercessors and teachers.  God’s children are being lured astray by those strategically placed by the enemy.

A Planned Attack

This photo with the 10Points is courtesy of Isobel Blackthorn’s article  Revisiting . In the article states

article states the following:

It should be noted that there is no ten point plan or strategy in the Bailey teachings and not one single point listed in the graphic below was ever promoted by Alice Bailey, herself a devoted Christian who never relinquished her faith in favour of Theosophy.

The article describes Alice Bailey as a devoted Christian. 

In the early 1920’s, Alice and Foster Bailey’s fledgling publishing company was titled “Lucifer Publishing Company”. They incorporated Lucis Trust in New Jersey, on April 5, 1922. as a non-profit educational corporation. In 1932 World Goodwill was established as an activity of the Lucis Trust.

Study to show yourself approved. The internet is full of false information. You judge for yourself. Try the spirit by the spirit.


This is warfare.  The church is under attack.  The nation is under attack. Our families are under attack.