
Welcome to the Gallery. A visual combination of history and current events viewed from a spiritual perspective.

I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.

Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17

We live in a time when false prophets are coming emerging with numerous words from God. Man has dissected the Bible rendering the written words impotent. Deception has taken residence in institutions of learning and religion. Christians have lost biblical focus. Society and the media have taken the forefront in religious thought. The who has over powered the what. 

 I encourage you to pray for discernment and spiritual sight. Beware of false prophets and teachers. Even well meaning ones can lead you astray when their word is not rooted in truth.

I invite you to take a look through my eyes.  The Gallery is a  combination of visual art, history and scripture.

Pray for Transparency

Praying Biden will openly call on Obama and Bush to address the national crisis. They talk to each other. America needs to see the unity.   It would help remove the political smokescreen and reunite the country.  Crossing boundaries and unifying religious, racial and political differences is imperative for our nation’s healing.

Rats and Garbage

We can get rid of the rats but if we don’t get rid of the garbage the rats will return.  Charles Kraft

Dr. Martin Luther King described the soul of our nation as sick.  During the civil rights movement we saw a huge reduction of rats.  But we failed to examine and get rid of the garbage.  In 2008 the rats surfaced, by 2020 we experienced an infestation.

The Effects of Generational Garbage

Understanding the cruel and controlling behaviors of the European settlers. 

He who the son sets free is free indeed.  God gave us free will.  Yet, the church is one of the most controlling global institutions.  America was supposed to be a nation of religious freedom.  The people arriving experienced tyranny, cruelty and control in the name of religion.  They brought what they knew to the new world.  They intermingled their history and life experiences with the bible.  They believed their ways and beliefs to be the only right way.  Thinking differently made you less civilized.  Not accepting the European beliefs made you savage.  People that were different were considered less human. 

Native American

The Great Law of Peace 

History of the European Colonizers

Mary Tudor was a devout Catholic who burned protestants for refusing to convert to Catholicism.  Mary married Philip of Spain in1554. She became consort of Habsburg Spain in 1556.  

Over 800 fled the country taking with them their beliefs, experiences and customs. Spaniards and Englishmen experienced the reign of Mary Tudor.  Mary adapted the practice of setting people on fire from the Roman Empire.  The gruesome practice lasted into my childhood, in the 50s. The practice of “taking” still exist in 2021.  In America taking is done by Executive Order.

The Puritans experienced Queen Mary.  In adoration of her sister,  Virginia was named  after Queen Elizabeth I, known as the Virgin Queen. Even though she restored England to Protestantism. there were remnants of Catholicism.  The Puritans sought to Purify religion.

Spirituality - Christianity - Religion

Honor and Appreciation Versus Trophy

It’s not too late to learn from each other.

Land has always been something to fight over.  The European custom has ever been to value earth through a lens of preservation as precious.  It has been valued through a lens of provision and power.  The colonizing countries of earth have brought so much destruction to the planet we are considering the moon and mars for colonization.

Exposure Brings Closure

Don't Be Fooled By A Political Smokescreen

Don’t Be fooled by the Smokescreen of Race in America

Racism in America is the effect of demonic human atrocities on human beings made in the Image of God during the foundation of this nation.   It was an ongoing battle within the forming of Christianity in America.   It continues today as race divides a nation.  Demonic atrocities against human beings were committed by a majority of people .  The descendants of this evil are being judged not for their character, but for the color of their skin.  Pure evil strives to keep the truth hidden.  White and Black persecuted Blacks.  White and Black wages war against slavery. 

                                           Slavery was not about race, it was a manifestation of evil versus good.  

Are You Really Pro Life

Are you really Pro-Life? was written in February 2021.  The composite came during a time of frustration and prayer while talking and listening to Trump supporting pro-lifers.  Christian leaders I looked up to were saying they support the person who upholds Christian values.  The person who is pro life.  Because I’ve viewed Trump as a man chosen by God to be  an  instrument to reveal hearts, I was bothered that they were completely unconcerned with the killing of Black children after they were born. 

The same people who  spend hours defending the unborn child, did not even find Tamir, Trayvon, Jakelin, Carlos, Adam worthy of mention.  Their lives matter too.  What was most hurtful is they are also people  against Black Lives Matter.  Every time I write about the acts against humanity that took the lives of these and so many other children, it brings tears to my eyes.

I see acts against humanity. My big picture, is not about ethnicity, it is about humanity.  We share collective consequence. The human race wins or loses.  As the topic of Trump, pro-life and 2024 election come back around, maybe we should look beyond humanity since we have dominion over earth.

Writing about the apologist spirit on June 21, 2021, in retrospect I think the embryo pictures were to help me understand how connected we really are. Yesterday I was speaking with a pastor who supports Trump because Trump is “pro life”. My truth seeking question – Who is pro-life while condoning killing God’s creatures for sport?  How does anyone say they are pro-life and commit or condone murder?

One Nation Under God

If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2Chronicles 7:14

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.       Luke 17:2

America is in a season of child imprisonment like never before.  False ideas of superiority have existed in American since the Europeans landed in the old, unfamiliar existing New World.

When reading the scriptures on Sojourners, who’s actions align more with scripture,  Do we see Christ in the behaviors of the “civilized” colonizers or the “savage” people of the land.

The  10 Commandments teaches us we should not steal or covet.   This land was not rightfully acquired according to scripture.  It was acquired through manipulation and deception.

We are to welcome the stranger.

We are to care for the land.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26

This is not political

Removing the smokescreen of politics brings clarity to truth. These composites represent two  land issues, both are addressed in scripture.

Trump demonstrated no concern for separating families, which is foundational in the history of America.  It is a national generational curse that needs to be broken.  

Biden has not shut down Dakota Access pipeline yet.

Jesus and Justice in America

Apologetics and Critical Race Theory

Who were the apologist and the abolitionist? What did they believe?

Critical Race Theory has been moved to Spiritual Warfare